Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Chronic, irritating pain on structures such as ligaments and tendons are caused by degeneration and overuse. The consequences are pain, insomnia, lost work time, a reduced quality of life and decreased participation in your favorite activities. With some conditions, classic, conservative treatment methods are ineffective. For a long time we have understood that it is better to invest in a pain treatment method that is fast and non-invasive with lasting results.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, (or ESWT), uses shockwaves to treat chronic, painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. A shockwave is an intense, but very short energy wave traveling faster than the speed of sound. The word "Extra-corporeal" means "outside the body" and refers to the fact that the shockwaves are generated outside the body.
Shock Wave is Often used for:
* Shoulder Tendonitis & Calcific Tendinopathy - painful restrictions in shoulder movement
* Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) - inflammation of forearm tendons at the elbow
* Plantar Fasciitis (heel spur) - most often chronic pain under the heel
* Achilles Tendonitis - inflammation of the achilles tendon
* Patellar Tendonitis: pain below to the knee cap
* Mortons Neuroma
* Trigger Point Release
* Scar Tissue Release
* ITB Friction Syndrome
How many Treatments?
Normally 3 treatments are necessary, with a 1 week interval between treatments. Each individual treatment lasts approximately 5 to 10 minutes. In most cases, after each individual treatment, there is a significant decrease in pain. A physiotherapist will provide advice and guidance for exercise progression following treatment.